Since 2003, GDIT International Inc., a GDIT Company, has supported the scientific, technical, administrative, logistical, editing, IT, and data management aspects of the scientific and technical peer review of research proposals, report manuscripts, and unsolicited grants received by IES.
GOH is a subcontractor to GDIT on this contract. The team receives LOIs via the PRIMO LOI module and full applications via and performs administrative compliance review of applications received in response to FOAs. We assign reviewers to serve on panels and manages all aspects of their participation, including orientation and training, travel, lodging, honoraria, and expense reimbursement. In addition, GOH and GDIT coordinate concurrent panel discussions and meetings, routinely convening as many as nine simultaneous in-person peer review panels with hundreds of participants as well as conducting multiple virtual sessions in panels using teleconference and video teleconference modalities. We serve as SSOs, GTA, and RTAs onsite. We prepare and deliver summary statements as well scoring reports and other discrete deliverables generated for and by the review process. Th team and notifies applicants of funding decisions. GOH and GDIT use the PRIMO system, which was developed and is maintained by GDIT, as the platform for management of all peer review activities, supporting LOI receipt, application compliance screening, reviewer participation and documentation tracking and management, conflict of interest management, critique submission, meeting and travel logistics planning and support, summary statement and deliverables/report production, and preparation and electronic transmission of funding notifications and summary statements to applicants. GOH leads the summery statement task area. In 2017, the GDIT team supported 9 competitions, receiving 1,035 LOIs and receiving and compliance checking 1,004 full applications, processing 42 report and unsolicited research grant applications; convening 2 separate sessions with 2 videoconference meeting and panel in session 1 and 3 meetings with 7 to 9 panels each in session 2; assigning more than 396 reviewers, and preparing and delivering 889 summary statements and over 37 scoring reports and peer review-associated deliverables.