GOH was selected as a subcontractor to CSRA to provide the U.S. Army Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) with peer review support services. The CDMRP is a global funding organization that supports cancer, military medical, and other disease and injury-specific research. The CDMRP manages more than $1 billion in biomedical research investments annually, funding groundbreaking research projects intended to transform healthcare for military service members and the general public. GOH will provide technical, administrative, and logistical services supporting all facets of grant application receipt and scientific evaluation; recruit and engage scientists, clinicians, and specialists to serve on review panels; provide logistics support to panel participants; and provide help desk support for the CDMRP’s electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal, eBRAP.

VCC Program Evaluation
GOH and strategic teaming partner Westat were selected to provide comprehensive external grant evaluation services to the twenty three (23) community colleges within the Virginia